New York City Council     Members
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City Council
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Committee on Transportation
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Committee on Transportation
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Committee on Transportation
Amendment Proposed by Comm
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Committee on Transportation
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City Council
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City Council
Introduced by Council
Res. No. 111-A
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation that would allow New York City to lower its speed limit to 25 miles per hour.
By Council Members Greenfield, Chin, Constantinides, Espinal, Gentile, Koo, Levine, Reynoso, Torres, Van Bramer, Mendez, Rosenthal, Rodriguez, Barron and Levin
Whereas, New York State law sets 30 miles per hour as the speed limit in New York City unless otherwise posted; and
Whereas, In 2013, 286 people, including 168 pedestrians, were killed in traffic crashes in New York City, according to New York City Police Department (NYPD) data; and
Whereas, In 2013, "unsafe speed" was cited as a contributing factor in over 3,000 collisions that resulted in injuries or fatalities in the City, also according to NYPD data; and
Whereas, Many studies have concluded that the chances of a pedestrian surviving a motor vehicle collision decrease dramatically as the speed of the vehicle increases; and
Whereas, One such study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety determined that while a pedestrian has a 20 percent chance of dying if struck by a vehicle traveling at 30 miles per hour, the chance of death drops to 12 percent if the vehicle is traveling at 25 miles per hour; and
Whereas, Slower speeds also decrease stopping distance, giving drivers a better chance to take action to prevent collisions from occurring in the first place; and
Whereas, In the interest of pedestrian safety, the City's unposted speed limit should be lowered; now, therefore, be it
      Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation that would allow New York City to lower its speed limit to 25 miles per hour.
LS# 799