New York City Council     Members

Currently, motorists may park for no cost at up to the maximum time permitted in that parking meter zone if all meters within the parking field or block are broken or missing, requiring motorists to check for operational muni-meters on both sides of the street on an entire block. Under the proposed local law, a motorist could park for no cost at up to the maximum time permitted in that parking meter zone free if 50 percent of more of muni-meters on the side of the street of the block or parking field are broken or missing.

  • Filed (End of Session)


City Council
Filed (End of Session)
City Council
Referred to Comm by Council
City Council
Introduced by Council

Int. No. 590


 By Council Members Greenfield, Cumbo, Eugene, Gentile, Koo, Lancman, Richards, Rose, Deutsch and Treyger


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to allowing parking at missing or broken muni-meters up to the maximum time permitted in that parking meter zone.


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:

                     Section 1.  Subdivision b of section 19-167.1 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to read as follows:

                     b. If -fifty percent or more of all muni-meters in a parking field or on ---one side of the street of a block are missing or broken, a person shall be allowed to park in such parking field or on such block up to the maximum amount of time otherwise lawfully permitted by such muni-meters in such controlled parking field or block or segment thereof.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "muni-meter" shall mean an electronic parking meter that dispenses timed receipts that must be displayed in a conspicuous place on a vehicle's dashboard.

                     § 2. This local law shall take effect immediately upon enactment into law.

KET 11/6/14 2:55PM

LS 2450/2014